About me

I am a Robotics PhD Student at Georgia Tech, advised by Dr. Matthew Gombolay in the Core Robotics Lab. I am interested in the intersection of robotics, machine learning, and human-robot interaction. My current research is focused on multi-agent learning and tracking in partially observable domains. I received my BS degree at Northwestern University in 2018 in Mechanical Engineering and Cognitive Science.


(Nov. 2023) Our paper Hijacking Robot Teams Through Adversarial Communication was selected for an Oral talk at CoRL 2023!

(Oct. 2023) Happy to announce that both our Diffusion Based Multi-Agent Adversarial Tracking and Adversarial Search and Tracking with Multiagent Reinforcement Learning in Sparsely Observable Environment were selected for oral talks at MRS 2023 (35% acceptance rate).

(Oct. 2023) Our paper Learning Models of Adversarial Agent Behavior under Partial Observability was presented at IROS 2023.